Sunday, November 13, 2011

Saturday, January 29, 2011

From a Run or Two

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A good run is so much more than just putting one foot in front of the other and yet...
At times, that's all it really is and that makes everything just alright!
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Train I Must!

Sooo... it's been a great week of training!

I mean, while many people are still sleeping off their last can of Ol' Bullfrog from the night before, I am out running.

And while many are watching Wheel of Fortune at night, I'm running home from work.  Tonight will be my 3rd day in a row of run-commuting after work.  

I know, a lot of folks don't understand and that's OK.  I thought about that last night as I was standing in about 10" of fresh snow on my run home.  It occurred to me that "Crazy" is different for each person.  What a lot of people think of as unreal, crazy, maybe even ridiculous... such as running through 10" of snow for five miles after working for 12 hours; for others like myself, is the only option.  What seems crazy to me is sitting inside, in front of a TV, eating bon-bons (sp), just because its cold outside.  Yes... maybe in the moment on one level... it sucks, hurts (a lot) and maybe I even want to quit, but on a whole different level... I am energized, invigorated and empowered beyond your wildest imagination just knowing I'm doing it!

I keep going back to the same statement in my head: "A 100 mile ultramarathon won't care what excuses you had for not training enough when you're ready to quit at mile 75!"  Quitting is not an option!

That's it...

Train I Must...

No excuses!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Real Now!

Tony Robbins says something like: "When you talk about something, it's a dream; when you envision it, it becomes a goal; when you schedule it, its real!"

With that in mind... I signed up for the Winona Lake Trail Ultra 50 Mile.

That's right!  I had been talking about running the Rocky Raccoon 100 in Texas the beginning of February and finally came to the conclusion that it just wasn't going to happen as I have struggled a little with getting in the amount of training I needed with the winter here in Michigan.

Don't get me wrong... I have been training and I mean a lot... just not enough to meet an early February deadline.  On top of that, I had not signed up yet for the Rocky Raccoon 100 (kind of an omen).  I have to admit that the first time I actually heard the words; "I'm not going to run Rocky Raccoon" come out of my mouth, I almost panicked.  And yet, I always believe that if one plan doesn't work out try something different.

That lead me to yesterday.  While searching for a substitute for Rocky Raccoon, I stumbled across an event that met several of my criteria.  I wanted something that I didn't have to do a lot of traveling for (This is just across the Michigan-Indiana border).  Additionally, because of a 2:30pm start time I can literally drive down the same day.  I wanted an event that was sooner than later and yet not in February.  This is a 10-mile trail loop (much easier for a first-timer to self-support).  And... I didn't want to be freezing (Feb, March, April can still be kind of cold around the Great Lakes). 

And so... here I am!  Signed up and ready to run.  No more playing around.  It's freaky cold here and I've got a race to get ready for!

It's Real Now!

Rocky Raccoon is not out forever, just for now!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Why I Run #2

Talk to anyone about how to get what you want out of life and they will tell you to start out by figuring out what it is you really want.  Get clear on what you you want and more importantly, why you want it!

The only problem with that for most of us is that this takes time.  Time we don't think we have (even though most of us really do).

Running, gives me time.  And... it gives me clarity.

When I'm out on a long solo run there may be hours where I'm not interupted by anything except possibly a passing car.  The longer you run the less entangled you become in the world of your everyday life.  For some of us we go instantly into a relaxed zone the minute we start running.  For others it may take a half hour of running or so.

My life can be going in 200 different directions at the start of a run and yet if I can just take those first few steps, I enter a world of total undistracted clarity.  Its absolutely amazing!

I get more done while on a run (usually unintentionally) and then immediately afterwards than I do at any other time of the day.

Just another reason I run.

You Just Never Know...

Most of us, at least in some small way would like to look back on our lives and know that we helped other people.  Helped them live better lives, be happier, feel better even if just for a moment.

No matter what your personal circumstances are.  No matter how bad your quality of life is right now or how great it is.  We can all have an impact on the lives of others.  In fact, we do everyday whether we intend to or not.

So here's the deal: A lot of us do things intentionally trying to help others.  A smile, a hug, a handshake, sometimes just being there.  Some of us write, hoping to encourage others.  Some of speak words of encouragement.  Still others look to help by doing things for others.

The problem, I think, is that we are by our very nature, social creatures.  When we do something for someone, we look for interaction from that other person.  Kind of a reassurance that what we did had an impact.  The truth is, even totally selfless giving, seeks at least some kind of acknowledgment.  Don't believe me?  Ask yourself why you help others.  If you're truly honest when you whittle away all of the pious words, you'll find yourself saying something like: "I like to help others because it brings me joy."

Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with doing things to get joy in your life.  Personally, I believe joy is one of the purest most happy states that any of us can ever experience.  All I'm saying is we all do things expecting some kind of reward or pleasure in return.

When we don't get that response or reward, many of us eventually stop giving or at least become discouraged with the idea of helping others.

But... here's a different take on that.  Most times the people who need help, love, joy the most, are the last ones to ask for it.  In the moment, where they are, often it is hard for them to find the words to express the gratitude they feel.  By no means does it mean that your words or act of kindness went unnoticed or unappreciated.  Sometimes those little things we do can have life changing impact on people.  And we'll never know.  Some people don't know how to say thank you.  That doesn't mean that the things you do aren't appreciated or that you should stop doing them.

Smile, because its easier than frowning.  Write like the world will read every word even if they don't because its good for you too.  Speak encouraging words at every turn because even if no one else is listening, you are.  Give whatever you can whenever you can because it feels good knowing that it may just help someone out.

Accept the fact that you may never know how you changed a life and sometimes the only life you will change is your own!

That, to me... is not such a bad thing after all!